“It is essential for the Archdiocese to find a canonical solution to safeguard its integrity and unity”

“It is essential for the Archdiocese to find a canonical solution to safeguard its integrity and unity”

Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro (Serbian Orthodox Church) contacted Orthodoxie.com to speak about the future of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe. To do this, we asked him the following question, “On February 23, our Archdiocese will be deciding on its future. You are familiar with the Archdiocese, as you were teaching at the St. Sergius Institute in the 1970s. What is your vision of the existence of

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The Belgrade daily “Politika” interviewed Patriarch Irinej of Serbia

The Belgrade daily “Politika” interviewed Patriarch Irinej of Serbia

On January 27, as the Serbian Orthodox Church commemorated the memory of Saint Sava of Serbia, Patriarch Irinej gave the following interview to the Belgrade daily “Politika”. He was asked questions on Kosovo, on the position of the Serbian Church with regard to Ukrainian autocephaly and to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, on relations with Roman Catholics, and on the place of the Church in society. Politika:How will the grand jubilee

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Interview du patriarche de Serbie Irénée au quotidien belgradois « Politika » sur le Kosovo, l’autocéphalie ukrainienne et d’autres sujets

Interview du patriarche de Serbie Irénée au quotidien belgradois « Politika » sur le Kosovo, l’autocéphalie ukrainienne et d’autres sujets

Le 27 janvier, alors que l’Église orthodoxe serbe commémore la mémoire de saint Sava de Serbie, le patriarche Irénée a donné l’interview suivante au quotidien belgradois « Politika », dans laquelle il aborde les questions du Kosovo, de la position de l’Église serbe à l’égard de l’autocéphalie ukrainienne et du Patriarcat de Constantinople, des relations avec les catholiques-romains et de la place que doit occuper l’Église dans la société. – Comment le

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2018 Nativity Message from Patriarch Irinej and the Assembly of Serbian Orthodox Bishops

+IRINEJ By the Grace of God Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church, to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our Holy Church: grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, with the joyous Christmas greeting: Peace from God! Christ is Born! “And

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Message de Noël 2018 du patriarche Irénée et de l’Assemblée des évêques orthodoxes serbes

Message de Noël 2018 du patriarche Irénée et de l’Assemblée des évêques orthodoxes serbes

La paix de Dieu – Christ est né ! Et le Verbe s’est fait chair et Il a campé parmi nous, et nous avons contemplé Sa gloire, gloire qu’Il tient du Père comme Unique-Engendré, plein de grâce et de vérité (Jn 1,14) Avec les mots le Verbe S’est fait chair, Jean, l’apôtre, évangéliste et disciple bien-aimé du Christ, exprime le grand mystère de notre piété chrétienne. Celui qui était au

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“The Patriarch of Constantinople’s thirst for power is catastrophic for the future of Orthodoxy”

“The Patriarch of Constantinople’s thirst for power is catastrophic for the future of Orthodoxy”

In the homily Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro delivered at St. Nicholas Church in Bandići, he recalled the words of the Apostle Paul, in the Church “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female”. Along the same line, the hierarch declared, “There is neither Chinese, nor Japanese, nor Russian, nor American, nor Serbian, nor Montenegrin, only Jesus Christ and those who

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Lire : “L’Eglise orthodoxe serbe. Histoire, spiritualité, modernité” un livre de Boško Bojović

Lire : “L’Eglise orthodoxe serbe. Histoire, spiritualité, modernité” un livre de Boško Bojović

Nous vous proposons de lire ci-dessous une présentation du livre du professeur Bosko I. Bojovic, L’Église orthodoxe serbe – Histoire, spiritualité, modernité (384 pages, 34 euros) écrite par Jean Besse : L’orthodoxie étant loin de se restreindre au binôme gréco-russe, à la fois complémentaire et conflictuel, il est capital de faire mieux connaître d’autres Eglises à l’héritage non moins riche. A l’ouest des Balkans, c’est le cas de l’Eglise orthodoxe serbe, à la

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“In my opinion the only solution to the Ukrainian issue is to continue the Council of Crete”

“In my opinion the only solution to the Ukrainian issue is to continue the Council of Crete”

In an interview with the Tass Russian News Agency, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro (Serbian Orthodox Church) states it is necessary to continue the work of the Council of Crete in order to address there the issue of the Ukrainian autocephaly. According to him, it cannot be unilaterally granted by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The Metropolitan adds that the Constantinian era being over, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, while retaining its primacy, no

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