Uncertain future for Russian Orthodox in Western Europe

Uncertain future for Russian Orthodox in Western Europe

The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople revoked the Tomos (Decree) which placed the Russian Orthodox parishes of Western Europe under its jurisdiction, and decided, without asking for their opinion, to integrate them into the Greek Orthodox Metropolises of their respective countries. Interview conducted by Marie Duhamel – Vatican City What will be their future? They must consult each other this week to think about it. At the end of November, the

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“Heaven is not just the sky over our heads”

“Heaven is not just the sky over our heads”

In our brief presentation of Father Levalois’ book, we mentioned an interview. Here is the full English translation: Father Christophe Levalois, a teacher and Orthodox priest,  as well as editor of Orthodoxie.com, recently published a key book entitled Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale [Orthodox Christianity and the challenges of Western society]. This work will also be of interest to Roman Catholics for the new light

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Orthodox Christianity and the challenges of Western society

Orthodox Christianity and the challenges of Western society

Father Christophe Levalois’ book, Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale [Orthodox Christianity and the Challenges of Western Society] (Cerf, 2018) was the topic of an interview and of two reviews. Here is a summary published on the author’s blog: In its introduction, the interview specifies that “this key book will also be of interest to Roman Catholics for the new light it brings on the Christian

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Un entretien et deux recensions sur “Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale”

Un entretien et deux recensions sur “Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale”

L’ouvrage Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale de Christophe Levalois (Cerf, 2018), a notamment fait l’objet d’un entretien et de deux recensions. En voici une synthèse publiée sur le blog de l’auteur : Concernant l’entretien, dans son introduction « il est précisé que cet “ouvrage clef (…) intéressera aussi les catholiques pour l’éclairage nouveau qu’il apporte sur le phénomène chrétien aujourd’hui” (…) Dans le magazine en

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“L’orthodoxie, une ressource spirituelle dans les sociétés libérales d’Occident”

“L’orthodoxie, une ressource spirituelle dans les sociétés libérales d’Occident”

Le webmagazine Philitt a publié une recension du livre du P. Christophe Levalois intitulé Le christianisme orthodoxe face aux défis de la société occidentale (Cerf, 2018). ” Dans ce recueil, l’auteur vise à cerner certains éléments du rapport entre l’orthodoxie et l’Occident aujourd’hui, près d’une génération après la chute du communisme.” ” Face aux « aspects volontiers tapageurs et exhibitionnistes de la société actuelle », l’idéal spirituel de l’hésychia, fait d’intériorité,

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Orthodoxie.com’s talk on DMOPC18: Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach

Orthodoxie.com’s talk on DMOPC18: Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach

Father Zhivko Panev:   Your Eminencies, your Excellencies, dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen! We would like to use this time to briefly showcase our vision and our case study, entitled “Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach”. The context is, of course, the French Internet however, we believe that the methodology can be applied to the Orthodox Internet in general. Before

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Orthodoxie.com’s talk on DMOPC18: Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach

Orthodoxie.com’s talk on DMOPC18: Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach

Father Zhivko Panev:   Your Eminencies, your Excellencies, dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen! We would like to use this time to briefly showcase our vision and our case study, entitled “Growth Hacking the Orthodox Web – A Modern Methodology for an Ancient Approach”. The context is, of course, the French Internet however, we believe that the methodology can be applied to the Orthodox Internet in general. Before

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Recently released: “Orthodox Christianity facing the challenges of Western society” (Cerf)

Recently released: “Orthodox Christianity facing the challenges of Western society” (Cerf)

A book by Fr. Christophe Levalois was just published: “Orthodox Christianity facing the challenges of Western society” (Éditions du Cerf,(collection “Cerf Patrimoines”, 208 pages, 18 euros). Presentation : “The presence of Orthodox Christianity in contemporary Western Europe is nothing new: it has been there for about two centuries, says Christophe Levalois. Its importance and influence have kept growing. Do you know that it is now the third religious denomination in

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