The Church of Jerusalem faces the complexity of the situation in Ukraine

The Church of Jerusalem faces the complexity of the situation in Ukraine

Some bishops and priests of the new Ukrainian Church are planning to go to Jerusalem on the occasion of the great feast of the Theophany on January 19. The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is under intense pressure, requested to concelebrate with them, according to an internal source of the Jerusalem patriarchate. So far, the Patriarchate has not accepted to receive clergy nor concelebrate with the representatives of these schismatic groups. But

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Analysis of the specifics of the tomos for Ukraine

Analysis of the specifics of the tomos for Ukraine

Professor Vladimir Burega, the pro-rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy (Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate), has written an analysis of the specifics of the tomos granted to the new Orthodox Church in Ukraine.Source in English

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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated his support for an « Independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine »

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated his support for an « Independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine »

In a statement dated January 10, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reiterated his support for an »Independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine »: « The January 6th announcement of autocephaly for an independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine marks a historic achievement as Ukraine seeks to chart its own future. On this momentous occasion, the United States reiterates its unwavering support for a sovereign, independent Ukraine. The United States maintains its strong support for

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Message of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on Ukraine

Message of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on Ukraine

His Holiness Bartholomew, Patriarch оf Constantinople Your Holiness, It was with the feeling of great pain, astonishment and indignation that I read your letter in which you informed me of the recent actions of the Church of Constantinople: of admitting to communion the uncanonical communities in Ukraine; of “revoking” the Letter of Patriarch Dionysius IV of Constantinople which had transferred the Kievan Metropolis to the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate;

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The tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine available in several languages

The tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine available in several languages

The official website of the Patriarchate of Constantinople has published the tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine in Greek, English and Ukrainian.

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Le tomos d’autocéphalie de l’Église d’Ukraine est publié en plusieurs langues sur le site du Patriarcat de Constantinople

Le tomos d’autocéphalie de l’Église d’Ukraine est publié en plusieurs langues sur le site du Patriarcat de Constantinople

Le site officiel du Patriarcat de Constantinople a publié le tomos d’autocéphalie en grec, en anglais et en ukrainien.Une traduction française du tomos est en cours. Elle sera prochainement publiée par

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Patriarch Bartholomew’s letter to the hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne on Ukraine

Patriarch Bartholomew’s letter to the hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne on Ukraine

Please find here our English translation of the letter Patriarch Bartholomew sent on January 8, 2019, to the hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne about Ukraine, after the granting of the tomos. A similar letter was sent to the primates of the Orthodox Churches on December 24, 2018. « Through our fraternal letter, we wish to inform your beloved Eminence of the following. For a long time, we have been receiving repeated

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Lettre du patriarche Bartholomée aux hiérarques du Trône œcuménique au sujet de l’Ukraine

Lettre du patriarche Bartholomée aux hiérarques du Trône œcuménique au sujet de l’Ukraine

Nous publions ci-dessous la lettre du patriarche Bartholomée aux hiérarques du Trône œcuménique au sujet de l’Ukraine, datée du 8 janvier 2019, après la remise du tomos. Une lettre semblable avait été envoyée aux primats des Églises orthodoxes le 24 décembre 2018. « Nous communiquons par notre lettre fraternelle avec votre vénérable Éminence très aimée, souhaitant vous faire savoir que, depuis longtemps, nous avons reçu des demandes répétées, lesquelles interjetaient appel,

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