Conférence scientifique internationale « L’apôtre Paul à Antalya. Mémoire. Témoignage » du 15 au 17 janvier

Sous l’égide de Sa Toute-Sainteté le patriarche œcuménique Bartholomée, la Sainte Métropole de Pisidie organise une conférence scientifique internationale à Antalya du 15 au 17 janvier sur le thème « L’apôtre Paul à Antalya. Mémoire. Témoignage ».

Les Actes des Apôtres témoignent que l’apôtre Paul est passé par la Pisidie et qu’il a prêché dans les anciennes villes de Perge et Attalia. Cette conférence scientifique vise à étudier la présence historique de l’Apôtre des Nations à Antalya et à déterminer la mémoire et le témoignage qu’il y a laissés au cours des siècles suivants.

La conférence sera retransmise sur la chaîne YouTube de la Métropole :

Ci-dessous le programme de la conférence :

Monday, January 15
Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations, Koç University (AKMED), Barbaros Mh., Kocatepe Sk. No:22, 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya
9:00 Opening – Greetings
9:15 His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Inaugural Address
10:00 Metropolitan Job of Pisidia, Apostle Paul and the Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios Trambas.
10:30 Prof. Simon Butticaz, University of Lausanne, Luke and the First General Mission to the Gentiles: Chapters 13 and 14 of the Book of Acts.
11:00 Break
11:30 Prof. Régis Burnet, University of Louvain, The Speech at the Synagogue of Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:13-41): History and Reception.
12:00 Archimandrite Jack Khalil, University of Balamand, Antioch-Pisidia to Attalia: Unveilling a Major Turning Point in the Gospel’s Path from Jews to Gentiles.
12:30 Deacon Œcumenius Amanatidis, Under-Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, ”λαλήσταντες τὸν λόγον” (Αcts 14:25). Aspects on ‘Paul as Herald of the Gospel’ in the Post-Pauline Era.

15:00 Prof. Konstantinos Delikostantis, Institute of Post-Graduate Studies of Orthodox Theology of Chambésy/National and Kapadostrian University of Athens, Saint Paul, the Apostle of Freedom.
15:30 Prof. Mark Wilson, Stellenbosch University and Asia Minor Research Center, The Preaching of Saint Paul and the Spread of Christianity through the Roman Roads.
16:00 Dr. Jason Borges, Asia Minor Research Center, Why Galatia? How Paul ended up in Galatia and its theological implications.
16:30 Break
17:00 Prof. Gül Işın, Akdeniz University, Antalya, The Transition from the Cult of Apollo to Christianity.
17:30. Metropolitan Meliton of Philadelphia, Apostle Paul: the Light of God and the Star of the Evening.
18:00 Metropolitan Kyrillos of Krini, Institute of Post-Graduate Studies of Orthodox Theology of Chambésy/National and Kapadostrian University of Athens, The Honor of the Apostle Paul to the Unknown God.

Tuesday, January 16
Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations, Koç University (AKMED), Barbaros Mh., Kocatepe Sk. No:22, 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya
9:30 Metropolitan George of Kitros, “Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki, From Antalya to the Oikoumene: The Eternal Value of the Preaching of the Apostle Paul.
10:00 Bishop Nikiphoros of Amorios, Vlatadon Monastery, Thessaloniki, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Col. 3:2). The Ethos of the “New Man” according to the Apostle Paul
10:30 Prof. Vassa Kontouma, École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), The Figure of Paul in the Work of John of Damascus.
11:00 Break
11:30 Dr. Nikos Kouremenos, Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Until the Third Heaven: Cosmological and Eschatological Concepts in the Coptic Revelation of Paul (Visio Pauli).
12:00 Archimandrite Dr. Ilia Jinjolava, The Charisma in the Pauline Ecclesiology (1 Cor. 12-14): Some Observations with Reference to the Georgian Reception.
12:30 Anna Heidelk, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Paul and the Philosophers.

20:30 Concert – Saint Paul Cultural Center
Kılınçarslan Mh., Yeni Kapı Sk. No. 24, 00447 Muratpaşa/Antalya

Wednesday, January 17
Research Center for Mediterranean Civilizations, Koç University (AKMED), Barbaros Mh., Kocatepe Sk. No:22, 07100 Muratpaşa/Antalya
9:30 Prof. Marie-Anne Vannier, University of Lorraine, Paul in Antalya, seen by John Chrysostom in his Commentary of the Acts. (Videoconferencing)
10:00 Hieromonk Meletios Stefanatos, Theological School of Halki, Apostle Paul and Pisidia, according to the Historical Archive of the Theological School of Halki.
10:30 Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Myra, Christian Life in Antalya according to an Ecclesiastical Regulation of 1911.
11:00 Break
11:30 Dr. Mihail Comanoiu, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Saint Paul and the Renewal of the Mind: Exploring Paradigms for Church Revival in the Modern Era.
12:00 Prof. Dimitra Koukoura, “Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki, The Presence of Orthodoxy in the Modern World: Witness, Duty and Obstacles.
12:30 Conclusion

À propos de l'auteur

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Jivko Panev

Jivko Panev, cofondateur et journaliste sur Producteur de l'émission 'Orthodoxie' sur France 2 et journaliste.
Lire tous les articles par Jivko Panev

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