July 7 3rd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 2. All Saints of Britain and Ireland. Ven. Thomas of Mt. Maleon (10th c.). Ven. Acacius of Sinai, who is mentioned in The Ladder (6th c.). Ven. Eudoxia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, Grand Duchess of Moscow (1407). Martyrs Peregrinus, Lucian, Ompeius, Hesychius, Papius, Saturninus, and Germanus, of Dyrrachium in Macedonia (2nd c.). Martyr Evangelus, Bishop of Tomi (Constanța) in Romania (3rd-4th c.). Martyr Cyriaca of Nicomedia (4th c.).
July 7
![July 7](https://orthodoxie.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Thomas_maleon_petit.jpg)